Thursday, October 12, 2006

What Wall Color Goes With Teak Furniture

DAILY HOLA! , is a notebook that I created today October 12, 2006, to give everyone my opinions and feelings. I wanted to do, it is also true that I was bored, and I said ...- Alicia is your time !!!... and this is what is qu! ... Try

reflect a little of my every day, and I hope that pleases everyone to read it, (if someone does !!!...)


AH!, VERY IMPORTANT, and I almost forgot, my spelling is bad enough, I admit, so I can not put accents, or the place where you should not have, or confuse a V for a B, and enter certain barbarism, is normal in my, I think the important thing in this new notebook, my notebook, not the text, no ... if not the content of this, so I apologize in advance for the herrores you may commit, and to ask that you read this content with one eye open and one closed, Q IS ALREADY DIFFICULT, but !!!... I'm pretty sure that this way you will see at least my mistakes. GREETINGS



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