Monday, May 17, 2010

Survey Question On Cakes

Your Mistakes 28 !!!... Blog

Error 28 believe you everything you said.
Error 27 Tell him constantly k kieres.
Error 26 Hold your hand when you walk the streets.
Cuddling Error 25 while sleeping.
Spending Error 24 songs pathetic.
error 23 trying to find his eyes every time they're together.
Error 22 call just to hear his voice.
Error 21 laugh at all his jokes, even the repeats,
pork are more funny every time, whether he says.
Error 20 hold you to it as a castaway in the sea after
Error 19 Want breathe your breath.
Error 18 think that there will always be with you.
Error 17 Strive every day just to see him.
Error 16 Put aside some priorities.
Lying Error 15 by.
Error 14 Mourn for him.
Error 13 feel happy every time he returns to you.
Error 12 Ask God to never, ever keep him away from you.
errror 11 Tell her you love her kisses.
Error 10 imitate their gestures to make him laugh.
Error 9 make fun of him and then kiss him!
Error 8 Put his shirt to sleep.
Error 7 Set as wallpaper on your cel a photo of the two and
show them to your amiwa.
Error 6 let you load all over the house and laugh at but not to
; aunk you die of fear if you drop!
Error 5 Answer your calls aunk estes angry with him.
Error 4 discucion Tell your last home.
k Error 3 Tell strange skin.
Error 2 k believe everything is perfect.
Error 1 fall in love .... the most serious error! (


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