Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hancock Fabric Preferred Customer Card

Smackdown Results September 3, 2010

(Kane & The Undertaker)
◦ It was announced that Kane is an important announcement.
Alberto Del Rio is announced by Ricardo Rodriguez.
◦ There are four employees in the ring, you have a piñata. ◦
Del Rio destroys the piñata pretending that this is Rey Mysterio (Since I had a mask on it) and then flatters himself. ◦
Christian appears and calls to Del Rio "John Bradshaw Layfield" and then challenges him to a match, but Del Rio of the stage. ◦
Drew McIntyre attacks Christian in the back and then throws the Champagne Alberto's face.

◦ 1. Drew McIntyre Christian vs

◦ Drew begins to dominate. ◦
Christian is taken out of the ring, but manages to reverse the control of Drew and hits the announce table. ◦
invests Drew "Unprettier Christian, but Christian manages to get the win via pinfall thanks to a quick roll up.

◦ Winner: Christian
◦ vs Big Show is announced. CM Punk & Luke Gallows for later

2. Kelly Kelly vs. Michelle McCool

◦ Layla is in the area of \u200b\u200bcommentators.
◦ The McCool gets the win via pinfall (cleanly) after applying the Faithbreake on Kelly Kelly. ◦
Winner: Michelle McCool
◦ Later Kane give an important announcement. ◦
Video: Promo for Wrestlemania 27 - Ric Flair appeared Interestingly. ◦
Chris Masters goes to the ring (not televised) ◦
Vickie Dolph introduces Ziggler and receives a tremendous boo. ◦
Shown a video that appears chasing Kofi Kingston Dolph outside the arena last week.

◦ 3. Non-Title Match: Chris Masters vs Dolph Ziggler

◦ Masters applies a sharp machete Ziggler. ◦
Ziggler is trapped in the Master Lock Chris, but managed to reverse Ziggler in the Zig-Zag, getting the win via pinfall.

◦ Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Big Show goes ◦ the sand.

◦ 4. Big Show vs. CM Punk & Luke Gallows

◦ Punk and start the match. ◦
Punk gets a strong machete by the Big Show, which quickly gives over from Gallows. ◦
applied to a large machete Gallows. ◦
Outside the ring, Show attempts a crackdown on Punk, but he hits Show safa and metal ladders. ◦
initialize the count of ten on Show, but this only goes to 9.

Big Show gets the win via submission after submitting to a Gallows
submission hold.

◦ Winner: Big Show.

◦ After the match, Punk GTS applies on Gallows. ◦
Jack Swagger takes effect victory over MVP, leading the MVP's VIP Lounge show tonight, showing all his awards and even university jacket is shown.
◦ The "Daddy Swagger" comes with a neck brace as a result of which was applied Kane chokeslam. ◦
Jack's father said to be very proud of your child and talk about his achievements in primary school including a record consecutive push-ups (continuous repetition of the exercise is known as "lizard" or "plates"). ◦
Swagger kneels and performs 46 repetitions, but suddenly in the Titantron Theme Song goes on the MVP. ◦
MVP says that Swagger is the VIP lounge (Lounge) is closed for renovations and launches Swagger awards everywhere. ◦
Jack is hiding behind his father and MVP hits testicles "his dad." ◦
Announced Matt Hardy vs. Cody Rhodes. ◦
Cody appears and mocks Matt Hardy giving tips on how not to be fat.

5. Matt Hardy vs. Cody Rhodes

◦ Matt undergoing punishment begins on the knees of Rhodes. ◦
Rhodes manages to recover territory and applies the Cross Rhodes Matt to get the win via pinfall

◦ Winner: Cody Rhodes

◦ Video: Great ad for Kane ... NEXT! ◦
Titantron lights up the Theme Song of Kane and even light up the fireworks, but this does not appear. ◦
From Backstage, Kane announces that he will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Undertaker at Night Of Champions 2010. ◦
End of show.

◦ 6. Dark Main Event - Wold Heavyweight Championship: Undertaker vs. Kane ©
◦ The combat took place on the announce table. Kane returns
◦ the ring and the Undertaker via count lost 10.

◦ Winner: Kane

◦ The fight continued back in the ring. ◦
Taker countered a chokeslam from Kane reversed in one of their own.
◦ The undertaker made his "classic sign of stoning," Kane fled so quickly. ◦
Kane hit a chair out of frustration and then left the arena.
◦ The mortician did his typical pose of a dead man to complete the event. ◦
Thanks for the company.


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