Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Have failed heels (coarse) in the WWE was PG? "Edge and Jericho

Today opinaré about why this current PG heels are a resounding failure.
For starters I will say that this character is a heel in wrestling as the hated and the villain, but for a credible heel must meet certain requirements in the form PG unfortunately will never be transmitted.
One of them, I think, the principal is to be on over to the public under any topic is off-color or not: the last heel was decent before PG was undoubtedly Edge: changed his gimmick to Rated R Ultimate Opportunist, and yet was so decent as above. But after both their vocabulary and their attitudes were limited until you get to today ... nothing.

That was the last heel that made many "boo" to the utmost, but what happens with the new heels that are emerging in these times?
The truth is they are a huge fiasco, and I quote, in my opinion, a travesty of heel, and that is The Miz .
This character (for those who understand English) makes a fool of himself with his silly jokes and humorless, repetitive, and it does change the channel, I know it's not his fault and that follows a script, but I see it as a puppet disforzado which I particularly laughed out or not even born I hate his character, the only thing redeemable is that the hand is not afraid to speak, also mentioned that her character is not credible to Americans, given their stature and presence, does not inspire no fear, no respect, or absolutely nothing, in short, is a heel but Hanna Montana series, or other type of Disney series, appropriate for this court.
Another heel which unfortunately is being affected by the PG is Sheamus was cursed.
This case is different, although not party like The Miz, that does not mean it's bad heel, on the contrary, I think Celtic Warrior's character is more entertaining than Miz, as their gimmick is a typical caveman Celtic or thug, his character is not based on dumb jokes and have to tell jokes, his character is based on assault and abuse to be the RAW. If times were the Ruthless Aggression or the much talked about Attitude, this character would indeed be a success, as were "abusive" before Angle type, Brock Lesnar, JBL, Batista of Evolution, HHH.
Unfortunately today, is another fiasco heel.
McIntyre's case is a mixture of case and the case Sheamus Miz: At first Drew was a very credible voice spirits, his entrance music that did stick to the screen and bully attitudes midcard catapulted him to no surprise, but what happened next? His character lacked the freshness, their scripts were becoming more limited, repetitive and (oh yeah) ... the PG, there was no way to base heel and now his character is not even over with the audience ... another failure.
Swagger's case is more than obvious, I'd rather not comment, but in short ... a heel you can not make him a top heel of the overnight (one day before a humiliating loss, the next day win like a champion), much less to be Main Event .... failure.
With this subpart want to generalize the subject: an important reinforcement of good heel to catalog a wrestler is to be just that: not only be a knave, must also be an aggressive, even a ruthless. The heels "lights" of this era, as I call them, are very limited. If not why most lists to HHH as one of the best sports entertainment heels really his character itself was credible, was based on being a villain of villains, with their attitudes and the script that he could allow the development of a true heel ... the sad thing is that Paul is swallowed or thought that character and is now what it is.
PG Unfortunately this can not be displayed or one or the other, you can not enforce a ruthless attack on the famous "blood" with the caliber insults, and all for kids not to imitate ( what a lie).
Another example that has not been as PG, are the Nexus, in his first appearance on RAW was a boom, bookeo paralyzed with fans of the WWE, the element of surprise helped catapult, but about them now? They do not give enough "weight" to be great heels despite characterized as montoneros because (I will not mention wrestlers but nicknames) version 2 Goku and Cascabel always triumph over them, as the "base" of the company and be pampered children.
In conclusion, the heels "lights" now are very frugal, very limited, there is that credibility, there is the balance that must exist between a baby face and a heel, underestimated the term and can now be mentioned as (dare I call it so) a babyheel.


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