Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mini Couper Transformers Fotos

turns of life ... nunka know how to end up: S

we are confident that we have everything we need and will always be so , we will always have a family, friends, a good job, that at the end of the day you come home and find a warm meal and a warm bed where resting, that at the end of our lives with whom we most want and we imagine with our grandchildren ... if everyone happy .... over the years right? ...

and if not you? if everything changes? who assures us that we will have a safe future "happy" for more we study, work and worry about our economic situation can all change ... nothing is certain in this life.

say all this pork

in hospital emergency there is a character we all know, is a big girl old lady. arap carrying as clothing, she's always dirty, (mentally ill) if they want to call it so, but despite that, he was aware of everything that happens ... everyone says that crazy, I know ... always wandering around the area, and occasionally comes to the emergency as if he were at home, stands there and gets to talking with patients who are waiting, even to the doctors .. to tell their story, to vent, the poor .. say that many years ago was a teacher of English, and that he lived with his family, and now look like this ... everyone trying to "afar" ...

Yesterday I watched
silent as annoyed a few patients, and demanded that the doctors treated (but is no longer ignore it) ... and I started think it would have happened to end like this?? perhaps they had everything in life ... talves in the past never imagined I would be in that place and in such circumstances, perhaps they were someone important, and is now nothing more than a "beggar" ... poor lady ...

do not know what the future holds, life ...
and is ... nothing is certain in this life ...


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