Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sims 3 How To Stayout After Curfue

new fan, new book, free weekend Oo!

Saturday .... morning .... 8:30 a.m. .. I wake up my mother almost knocking the door of the room ... again asking if I had to take something to sleep, because I had locked in my room from 4:30 pm enterior day, (even I am surprised ... how much I slept without taking anything ...) ;

service in the hospital, this time in plant ... for me but one gets tired in Emergency. It was not very good this time .... Internal entered new, and I had to explain and teach as things are done there, in addition to teaching throughout the hospital (which is not too small to say ...)

Residents had
review, 4 tests of 125 questions each ... patients left us practically ourselves .... Yiaaajuuuu! Jijijjiji SL service was not me: (but was sending me all day .. msg to my cell phone to see how it had passed the service ... every time the cel. Sounded I felt the classic "butterflies in the stomach " which incidentally already pathophysiology of this fact jejejeje!

Well ... but today is another day ... S Abado .. Cloudy,,, Frio, in Santo Domingo, AMO LOS DIAS ASI ... for me every day of my life would be gray, cloudy, rainy ,.... if you already know .. ...................... I'm weird and I like being so .... *-*

I tell you I have a new fan .. your blog is chulisisismoo I invite you to visit it, here is the link: ;

found a quote from Paulo Coehlo in his blog, which reads ....:
" When someone wants something you should know who takes risks,
and why life is still worth "}
- Paulo Coelho
and reminded me that a month ago when a newly finished JB buy this book: " the winner is only" to distract myself a little ... I started reading it and had to leave because I had no time with Internship class, but since this weekend I am a bit free case of advance ... the few pages I've read seem very interesting, I recommend it.
well that's it for today, this weekend I intend to go out and give some back .. with whom? not ... and appear, but the only thing that I have free for almost 2 months.
Kisses to todoss!


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